Feb 5, 2021
Hey, #shiftshapers! It's time to tune in to a brand new episode of #STS!
This week, in Episode 30: Power is Mine, we are tapping into the wisdom of the incomparable Sonya Renee Taylor!
@SonyaReneeTaylor is the Founder and Radical Executive Officer of The Body is Not An Apology, a digital media and education company committed to radical self-love and body empowerment as the foundational tool for social justice.
Sonya has shared her work as an award-winning Performance Poet, Activist, and educator in numerous countries and on major media outlets around the world, reaching hundreds of thousands of people with her commitment to radical self-love and transformation.
Sonya continues to perform, speak and facilitate workshops globally. Visit her at www.sonyareneetaylor.com or www.thebodyisnotanapology.com.
Make time today to tap into your power on Soundcloud, Google Play, Apple Podcast, I Heart Radio, Spotify, and Shapingtheshift.com!
Visit our site www.shapingtheshift.com for more details, show notes, exclusives, and ways to support Shaping the Shift.